Come Join Us

Sunday Youth

Sunday 10-11:20am in the Youth Center

6th-12th Grade Students

This is our weekly gathering for worship, prayer and teaching.  

Saturday Youth

Saturday at 4-5:30 pm in the Youth Center

6th-12th Grade Students

This is our weekly gathering for fellowship, worship, prayer, and a short encouraging word with small group discussion. 

College (CBS)

Sunday 3:30pm – 5:30 pm in the Youth Center

Current College Students

CBS is for anyone who has graduated from high school and is now studying in college. The group is a place to study the Bible and have fellowship.

Parent’s Meeting

February 2024 in the Youth Center

Youth Camp

August 2024 at SIM Babogaya

Youth Alpha

Tuesdays and Thursdays in July and August 2024

New Year Party

September 2024

Christmas Party

December 2024

Christmas Concert   

December 2024

Easter Party

March 2024

Graduation Class

July 2024

Youth Hike

Feb 2024 Suba

Youth Game Tournament

Oct 2024 Youth, College and YA

Fund Raising Event

Feb 2024 in the Youth Center